
Relatable Quote 10/19/13: 

"It's hard to wait around for something you know might never happen; but its harder to give up when you know it's everything you want."



Relatable Poem 10/19/13:

"You have 6 tattoos. Full lips. Good, strong hands. 
You have 7 freckles on your back, they map out the big dipper.
You have a scar on your left arm
you carved in high school. 
The first time you pulled off your t-shirt
I traced the line with my fingers and fell in love with your strength. 
You are a hero for living from that moment to this one. 
You never need to apologize for how you chose to survive. 
Your body is a map
I know every inch of 
and if anyone else were to kiss me, 
all they would taste is your name."

-Clementine von Radics


Late Night Thoughts 10/17/13

It’s almost impossible for me to believe that “now” is all we have. I mean, I just have this weird yet solid belief that somewhere, somehow the past and future are living separately from the present. For example—and this is completely far fetched but the only way I know how to even moderately begin to explain what I’m thinking—what if for every second of time that has passed or will one day pass, there is an alternate universe (meaning that there would be a seemingly infinite amount of universes) and each of these universes had their own dimension. In my thoughts, all of these dimensions would occupy the same space, but different planes of reality. So, say the room that you’re in now was once a doctors office; well, while you’re sitting in that room, reading my post on the internet, patients are being checked out and given shots or being bled with leeches. You just can’t see each other because you’re in different planes of reality or different dimensions. I guess I came up with this idea because I’m lonely and it makes me feel like I’m always around at least a few people, whether I can see them or not. Maybe that’s what ghosts are, people living in different dimensions/universes accidentally slipping through some tear in the space time continuum and therefore revealing themselves to you temporarily.

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