Thursday, October 24, 2013

Cheap Vintage Ghost Halloween Colstume

So for halloween I decided to do something easy and cheap. I recently saw Insidious and the creepy mom that was constantly yelling "YOUR NAME IS MARILYN" inspired me to come up with this costume and make up! 

All you really need is flour, powder, white face paint, black eyeliner, black or burgundy eyeshadow, make up brushes for your face and a vintage dress. 

This is my "Vintage" dress. I got if from Goodwill for $7.00
End Result Make up

End result Make up

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Fall Fashion Inspiration

I'm leaning towards neutrals and dark colors this fall--whats new? Every year people seem to lean towards the same colors during each season. I've never been able to show my style through my wardrobe, but this year I'm going to put a little extra effort into that by striving to include some of these pieces in my day to day outfits. 

First "Fashion" post

I'm super lame and think I'm really fashionable, even though I'm not, so I figured I would do a "fashion" page and here is my first attempt at doing so. 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Late Night Thoughts 10/17/13

It’s almost impossible for me to believe that “now” is all we have. I mean, I just have this weird yet solid belief that somewhere, somehow the past and future are living separately from the present. For example—and this is completely far fetched but the only way I know how to even moderately begin to explain what I’m thinking—what if for every second of time that has passed or will one day pass, there is an alternate universe (meaning that there would be a seemingly infinite amount of universes) and each of these universes had their own dimension. In my thoughts, all of these dimensions would occupy the same space, but different planes of reality. So, say the room that you’re in now was once a doctors office; well, while you’re sitting in that room, reading my post on the internet, patients are being checked out and given shots or being bled with leeches. You just can’t see each other because you’re in different planes of reality or different dimensions. I guess I came up with this idea because I’m lonely and it makes me feel like I’m always around at least a few people, whether I can see them or not. Maybe that’s what ghosts are, people living in different dimensions/universes accidentally slipping through some tear in the space time continuum and therefore revealing themselves to you temporarily.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Portrait Project

For my media arts class we were required to choose a concentration and take 20 pictures of it. So, for my concentration I chose people and figured I would show you all (if anyone ever starts reading my blog) the results. So, here you go: 
Marielle Esquivel--Downtown Memphis

Grace Lang--Mud Island

Pamela John--Shelby Farms

Claire John--Behind St. Louis School

Emma John--Shelby Farms

Amelia Grace Winburne--My House

Claire John--Shelby Farms

Emma John--Shelby Farms (in my car)

Claire John--Shelby Farms
Samantha Wischmeyer--Downtown Memphis

So Much College Mail!

College much college mail. Not to say it isn't exciting, but it's also extremely stressful! All of these schools sending all of these brochures..right when I think I know where I want to go, I get a new piece of mail from a college I had never even considered and all of the sudden all previous plans are irrelevant--I have a new path for my future. It's ridiculous! As if I'm not fickle or indecisive enough already. 

Even with all of this college mail though, I feel like I'm getting closer to where I want to be regarding picking a school that I would like to go to. I'm applying to nine schools--I know I'm crazy: Rutgers University in New Jersey, Loyola University in New Orleans, Belmont University in Nashville, Rhodes in Memphis, Mizzou in Columbia Missouri, St. Louis University in St. Louis, Memphis College of Art, UT Knoxville and lastly, Savannah College of Art and design! My top three are Loyola, Rutgers and Belmont. Thankfully I've gotten most of my materials into all of these schools. All I have to do for Loyola is audition and send in a portfolio and all I have to do for Belmont is send in a portfolio. All the other schools I still need to send in my ACT scores--which, may I add, is ridiculously and unexpectedly expensive.

I do have a few tips for people that haven't gotten to this point in their life yet; a few things to do before the time comes and you begin applying to schools. 
1) SAVE UP SOME EXTRA MONEY THROUGHOUT HIGH SCHOOL! Its absolutely ridiculous how much applying to schools costs! You have to pay for application fees (can range from $30-$80), you have to pay to send in your ACT and SAT scores ($12.00 each time you send them in), you have to pay to send in portfolios through slideroom--an application most schools require you to use if you want to send in an art/photography portfolio to be considered for scholarships--which costs around $35, you have to pay for applications to some scholarships (young arts scholarship has a $35 fee every time you apply). Its all ridiculous and unnecessary, but completely unavoidable. 
2) Start taking the ACT and SAT at the beginning of your Junior year, it gives you more time to get the score you want. I waited until February of my Junior year and I really regret that. I just took my last ACT, expecting to get a 30, and I only got a 28. I have one more chance to take it in October and if that doesn't work out for me I don't know what I'll do. 
3) Get an ACT tutor and really put effort into studying for the ACT. You will be so happy that you did when you get the 30 or 32. And why waste the money on a tutor if you aren't going to put any extra effort in? If you only work practice problems for her an hour every week, you won't improve much. I know from experience. I had a tutor that came and helped me with math and science once a week for two months and my score only went up a point because I never did any outside of tutoring practice. 
4) Don't wait until the last minute to start your applications. I assume it's really really stressful. There are deadlines that you have to meet and they come really quickly. I started applying to schools early August and everything has been going pretty well for me. I recommend starting as early as you can. And honestly, most applications only take 10-15 minutes to fill out; its all the extra stuff--recommendations, essays, transcript requests, etc--that take forever to get the ball rolling on. 
5) Don't use the common app if you don't have to. Filling out a college's application online or on paper shows them that you have a genuine interest in their school. 

My First Post

Hm, what to write? I guess I'll go ahead and lay out my plans for all to read. For this blog I plan on posting my art, photography, small crafts and day to day musings. I would like to have something that reflects me and my growth as an artist/person as I transition from high school to college to working life. I want to have something to look back on and to remember what I was like and what I was thinking at a certain period in my life. What was my style? What type of art was I doing? What thoughts went through my head? What did I like to wear, read, eat? You know, just the small things. So, I guess you could call this a personal blog. If you choose to follow me and read my posts, you will get to know me and I appreciate you taking the time out of your day to read about my life!

So, as of right now I am a senior in high school. I take AP art at St. Agnes Academy and love to do theatre in my spare time. I also love photography, drawing, painting, watching tv--Adventure Time, Sherlock, anything HGTV, etc--and spending time with friends. I'm into more bohemian things but I like to believe that there's a little bit of a dark side to me in my fashion. I am very sarcastic and cynical, most of my friends and my family call me Daria, however, through this blog I'm going to try to let only my positive side show; no one likes a pessimist, right?